Spare parts
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Linak APM3-002 nursing box.
Standard Linak remote control clip for Hill-Rom, Stiegelmeyer and other brands that are using Linak remote control devices. €7,50
Stiegelmeyer HB 73-035 CB06/151207 remote control €75,-
Stiegelmeyer CB06/167311 remote control €75,-
Stiegelmeyer CB12/114630 HBWW 73-020 remote control €75,-
Stiegelmeyer CB12/116371 remote control €75,-
Stiegelmeyer CB14M/148316 (HB7X078-148316) remote control €75,-
Stiegelmeyer HB7X073-04 remote control €75,-
Stiegelmeyer HLW0-74009 remote control €75,-
Stiegelmeyer Vivendo (146352) control box.
Stiegelmeyer Vivendo (146352) nursing box.
Stiegelmeyer Spare Parts
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